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United Methodist, male, 32 years

Below is a selection of interviews from participants in Awakenings: Felt Benefit In Personal Values. All interviews are coprighted and published on this website with the interviewee's express consent. Selections of new interviews will be published in this format periodically. All participants answer 10 questions, providing their own emphases and ultimately taking their answers in the direction they feel best communicates their passion and values. The 10 questions asked to all participants are:


1. What is most important to you in your life?

2. When and how have you experienced a conversion, enlightenment, or confirmation to your current way of thinking and living? A brief version of your journey, or story, if you please, with an emphasis on 'defining moments'?

3. Which 5-10 words best express and summarize your beliefs and values?

4. Do you think others who share your values would articulate them similiarly?

5. How do you respond when others have a hard time accepting or understanding the perspective you've developed from your experiences?

6. Do you feel you and your current family unit share similiar values or beliefs? What about the home environment you were raised in?

7. Do you feel your community shares your values?

8. Do you think others ought to adopt, or convert to, your values and practices? Why?

9. Have you ever considered adopting or converting to someone's values, beliefs, and practices that were significantly different from your own? Why or why not?

10. How might your life be different without your core values? What do you gain from them? What do you think you'd miss without them?


Metropolitan Community Church, female, 31 years

Muslim, male, 35 years

Presbyterian, female, 25 years

Mormon, male, 18 years

Mormon, male, 18 years

Free Agent, female, 30 years

Zen Buddhist monk, male, 33 years

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